Okay, maybe these guys are working their ass off to bring out an alternative operating system. But, I don't believe that nobody can do anything for free and nobody can do anything "good" for free!
Linux sux in countless ways. don't make any Linux user fool you using centences starting with ...
"You can do that with Linux ...."
"It is free ..."
"It is legal ..."
"This is done much easier with linux ..."
"It is faster ..."
"It is safer ..."
It is in fact a fucking premature OS with lots of bugs and stupid mistakes.
First thing first! You are downloading a patch for your display adapter. When it is compleated, it requires a restart. You do it and boom, your visual contact with your Linux is gone! New versions of Windows never lets such a stupid mistake to happen. If it happens, it securely guides you back where everything was fine before, but with linux you have to be a Computer Engineer to put everything right again! You have to compile somethings, you have to enter line commands with switches and many other booring stuff like surfing the net from another computer to learn how to put things back in order.
Secondly, you are upgrading your stupid linux because the OS has informed you that there are updates to be donloaded. Okay, this isn't something new, or wrong. People make mistakes, and stupid people do more mistakes therefore patches happen. Anyway, bang goes your electricity or someone pulles your AC plug thinking it belongs to the coffee machine! You turn your computer on again and decide to continue your download, like every decent computer user would do! No, no no, not with linux! Because it was distrupted abruptly it refuses to continue, however it suggests you some line commands. You decide to try your chances because not being able to upgrade your system is not a good thing. You open the terminal and enter those commands, but this time it says you have to have administrator privilages to run those commands, but you log on to the system using root privillages. Hello!?
Don't worry, when they solve those stupid problems they will not be publishing that operating system for free anymore. They use you as a part of their team to develop and improve their systems. They earn money over you. You find those stupid mistakes they have made and try to solve your problems by asking and sharing them with others over the net. They collect those and make their code better. And finally when such mistakes are minimized, bang! They put a price tag on it and it is not for free anymore. Do you know what is pissing me off, they don't even say "thank you!".
Linux sux in countless ways. don't make any Linux user fool you using centences starting with ...
"You can do that with Linux ...."
"It is free ..."
"It is legal ..."
"This is done much easier with linux ..."
"It is faster ..."
"It is safer ..."
It is in fact a fucking premature OS with lots of bugs and stupid mistakes.
First thing first! You are downloading a patch for your display adapter. When it is compleated, it requires a restart. You do it and boom, your visual contact with your Linux is gone! New versions of Windows never lets such a stupid mistake to happen. If it happens, it securely guides you back where everything was fine before, but with linux you have to be a Computer Engineer to put everything right again! You have to compile somethings, you have to enter line commands with switches and many other booring stuff like surfing the net from another computer to learn how to put things back in order.
Secondly, you are upgrading your stupid linux because the OS has informed you that there are updates to be donloaded. Okay, this isn't something new, or wrong. People make mistakes, and stupid people do more mistakes therefore patches happen. Anyway, bang goes your electricity or someone pulles your AC plug thinking it belongs to the coffee machine! You turn your computer on again and decide to continue your download, like every decent computer user would do! No, no no, not with linux! Because it was distrupted abruptly it refuses to continue, however it suggests you some line commands. You decide to try your chances because not being able to upgrade your system is not a good thing. You open the terminal and enter those commands, but this time it says you have to have administrator privilages to run those commands, but you log on to the system using root privillages. Hello!?
Don't worry, when they solve those stupid problems they will not be publishing that operating system for free anymore. They use you as a part of their team to develop and improve their systems. They earn money over you. You find those stupid mistakes they have made and try to solve your problems by asking and sharing them with others over the net. They collect those and make their code better. And finally when such mistakes are minimized, bang! They put a price tag on it and it is not for free anymore. Do you know what is pissing me off, they don't even say "thank you!".